Jouet à tirer SNAIL Hape

référence : 29491148
29,99 €
(T.V.A. incluse)


Allégez l'escargot en enlevant la roue avec les formes colorées, et il pourra rouler tout seul. En Savoir +

.Dimensions et infos supplémentaires

Hauteur/longueur : 19.0 cm
Largeur : 30.0 cm
Profondeur/épaisseur : 11.0 cm
Couleur : Vert
Age : +12M

.Plus d'informations

Perfect tagalong push or pull toy for your little one as they gain confidence in learning and exploring. Lighten the load by removing the colorful shape sorter, and he’s ready to roll alone. Bright and colourful toddler toy. The shell features three differently shapes holes for toddlers to practice shape sorting on one side and an elastic-banded opening on the other. Sorter comes with a blue triangle, red cylinder and yellow square. The string is long enough to pull easily behind as sorted blocks spin round and the snail’s tail waves. The winner of the 2013 Play Advances Language Award and the 2014 Parent’s Choice Recommended Award.



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